01 Mar Front Door Restoration To Highlight Your Home
One of the first things that people will see when they come to visit your home is your front door. Make it beautiful and welcoming once again.
Your front door is what welcomes every visitor inside of your home, it’s what lawn service agencies will hang their flyers on, it’s the barrier between you and unwanted guests, and it is often overlooked for restoration projects. If you want to give your entryway a makeover, let our skilled craftsmen get to work on restoring the charm that your front door once had.
The Process
Many people think that touching up their old door may be easy but it isn’t quite as simple as you may think. What our experts do to refinish front doors starts with removing all of the hardware and fittings attached to it. Then we remove any old paint, sand out any rough spots, and touch up any spots of concern. Next, we apply the primers, paints, or finishes that would best match the style you are wanting for your home. This could require multiple coats with sanding in between coats.
The Doors We Restore
There are many different styles of front doors found in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill areas and many of which have been on their hinges for many years. We are able to bring in all different door styles and restore them back to the way they once were. We restore all styles of doors from custom-built wooden doors to arched entryway styles to barn-style natural wooden doors.
All in all, if you want the job done well, you can trust us here at Pender’s to get the job done with the expert touch. It takes skill to refinish and paint a door well. If you don’t know how to refinish a door properly, we recommend handing the job over to our professionals. Instead of doing all the prepping and priming yourself, our talented craftsmen will handle every step for you.
Contact us today if you want to have your front door restored to its original beauty.