01 Aug Fixing Minor Scratches with Wood Markers
Minor scratches on your nice wooden furniture may be a cause for alarm for some. Small knicks from items like car keys, purses, pens, and even jewelry is common for older furniture. If your furniture shows signs of wear from these minor scratches, don’t fret. You can use wood repair markers to make those scratches disappear from most wooden surfaces. These markers are affordable, easy to use and leave your furniture looking free of scratches.
The entire process for a minor scratch should take about a minute. Pump the ink from the wood repair marker until it comes out nice and thick along the scratch. Let the stain rest for ten seconds and then blot with a paper towel. Blotting removes the extra ink, but the color remains to soak into the scratch. Repeat this process until you feel like the color is starting to absorb.
Take your paper towel and gently buff it in circles to be sure there is no ink remaining.
Wood repair markers are a wonderful tool to use for little nicks and scratches on your furniture. However, there are some scratches too deep or too large for a wood repair marker to make a difference. If you find that is the case for a piece in your home, call Penders for repair and restoration.